DIY Body Paint Recipes

We came up with three different body paint ideas for you to try. Depending on what you are looking for during your night of hot, spicy body painting, we’ve got the DIY body paint recipe for you! Each of the body paint ideas comes with a recipe card and tag for the paint!  

These are your options:

Chocolate Body Paint Edible Body Paint Non-Edible Body Paint

Let’s break down these body paint ideas for you, if you are wanting a truly delicious body painting recipe, go for the chocolate body paint. However, you are needing a little color in your body paint palette, but still want to be able to lick it off, the edible body paint recipe is for you! Finally, if you are feeling creative and want your sweetheart’s body to be your canvas, the non-edible body paint is the simplest, most colorful option!

Chocolate Body Paint Recipe

This recipe is perfect to satisfy your sweet tooth, and for a sexy night of fun, you won’t ever forget!

Here are the supplies and directions that you will need:

⅓ cup of sugar 1 pinch salt 4-6 Tablespoons water 2 teaspoons butter ¼ cup of cocoa powder ½ teaspoon vanilla ½ teaspoon of flavoring

Directions: Simple as that! We’re telling you, these body paint ideas are totally worth the effort! Now for the most fun bedroom game you’ve ever played, scroll to the bottom of this post to check out how to play using your body paints!

Edible Body Paint

Sometimes you just need some color on your palette… or on your partner’s body… to lick off! Hey, we get it! Whip up this edible body paint and put your lovely, yummy colors to use with the body painting game below!

Here’s what you need to grab to make your own edible body paint:

3 Tablespoons beeswax 3 Tablespoons coconut oil 1 Tablespoon honey powder 3 Tablespoons cocoa butter ½ teaspoon flavoring   Natural food coloring

Directions: A note here, for the colored body paint ideas, be careful how you color them! Make sure you are using a food coloring or natural coloring that won’t stain the skin! Otherwise, you may be getting some funny looks, or questions in the morning!

Non-Edible Body Paint Recipe

This recipe may not be edible, but it is super simple. Let’s be honest, we don’t always have an hour to experiment with and cook up different body paints. No problem! We’ve included this among our body paint ideas because although you can’t lick it off, it is ultra quick to whip up, and just about everyone already has the ingredients on-hand! Now that’s a winner!

Here’s what you need:

Corn starch Face lotion ¼ teaspoon vegetable oil Natural food coloring or washable paint

Directions: Again, be careful to use colors that will wash off easily or use natural colorings! Remember once the body paint is on a body it spreads out and can be hard to see if you haven’t used tons of coloring. For a darker, better body paint make it highly pigmented!

Body Paint Bedroom Games

Now that you have your body paints ready it’s time to put them to work! You are in for some fun with these body paint ideas! Print out the game printables below. Cut out each of the cards and stack them up in two different piles. One pile will be the body part cards and the other will be the paint prompt cards. The body part cards have body different body parts listed on them, while the paint prompt cards give you different things that you must paint onto your spouse’s body.

Take turns picking one body part card and one paint prompt card. Paint the prompt from the card onto whatever body part of your partner that you drew. For example,  you may be to paint a monster on your partner’s stomach. Go back and forth painting the night away! If your body paint is edible, lick off your painting when you are done!

If you loved these DIY body paint ideas and recipes and you want to add even more romance to the evening get some awesome paint brushes and maybe even some highlighters and a black light! You’ve never heard of that? You must check out our Go Picasso Date Night! Another sexy favorite is our Glowing Black Light Bath! It is such a cool, fun, and easy way to bring back the spark in your date night!

3 DIY Sexy Body Paint Ideas   Recipes - 673 DIY Sexy Body Paint Ideas   Recipes - 873 DIY Sexy Body Paint Ideas   Recipes - 483 DIY Sexy Body Paint Ideas   Recipes - 933 DIY Sexy Body Paint Ideas   Recipes - 153 DIY Sexy Body Paint Ideas   Recipes - 243 DIY Sexy Body Paint Ideas   Recipes - 243 DIY Sexy Body Paint Ideas   Recipes - 373 DIY Sexy Body Paint Ideas   Recipes - 923 DIY Sexy Body Paint Ideas   Recipes - 34