Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. To learn more about ’em, click here. First of all, let’s all just pause for a moment and admire the cuteness of the groundhog on these printables! Joanna with Cutify Creative blows us away time and time again and this design was no exception to that!

This date night is playing off of the fun and adventure in the movie Groundhog Day. If you haven’t ever seen this classic pause now, go purchase it here and then resume reading. In this iconic film the main character, Phil, is stuck in Groundhog Day seemingly doomed to live a life that repeats itself over and over again! At first, he is very upset about this plot in life but soon finds that he can use the crazy situation to his advantage! We thought long and hard about what we would want to do on repeat if we had the opportunity to do so and an evening out with our spouses quickly rose to the top of the list! Who doesn’t want to enjoy a few extra date nights with their love!? On this date night you will be repeating your plan 4x’s over by choosing 4 different restaurants that you will repeat date night at!

To take a step backward, you will first need to prep for the date night. Print off the pack linked at the bottom of this post onto some white card stock, gather up a few essential supplies including double-sided tape, a gift bag, bakers twine {or any type of string}, a hole punch {we recommend this one because it makes a lot smaller hole than most} and 4 ideas for fun restaurants.

You can pull this date night off one of two ways. 1- Choose 4 restaurants and eat a different course at each restaurant. {appetizer and one, entree at another, maybe a side or a drink at the third and then dessert at the last} OR 2- Choose 4 restaurants and make the ultimate repetitive date night by repeating dessert at each of the 4 locations! This option is best for those with a big sweet tooth! 😉 Either way, once you have chosen your locations write them on each of the 4 provided cards, slip them inside of the folded boxes and attach the respective tag to the box. Slide the 4 boxes into the gift bag and attach the gift bag cover to the front of the bag.

Finally, Cut and prep two envelopes, two love letters, and one invitation and you are all set!

Slip the invitation to your sweetie a day or two before the big day so they know when all the fun begins and get ready for a fun night out! When prepping the invitation make sure that you choose the date that will work best for you to go on the date (this date is still a complete blast even if you can’t make it work on the actual day of Groundhog Day.) We have modeled the time and date portion of the invite after the infamous clock in the movie Groundhog Day that wakes Phil up day in and day out only to find that he is still stuck in Groundhog Day!

On the evening of the date, you will present your sweetie with the gift bag and set out for an evening of fun. Let your spouse select the first box and head off to that location.

Once you have wrapped up either your first course or your first dessert, let them open the next box and repeat 4 times in total for a repetitive evening of fun!! When the 4 locations of the night out have finally come to an end, you will then retreat back home for the final activity. Back home we suggest that you cuddle up on the couch and watch the movie Groundhog Day as the perfect post date activity! To finish the night off we are going to play on a slightly deeper thought of the show and think about the quote in the movie that says “Well…What if there was no tomorrow?” Think about that for a few minutes. In all reality, if there was no tomorrow what would you want your spouse to know? What would you want to tell them? Use the 2 previously prepped love note cards and envelopes to each write a note to one another about what you would want to make sure your spouse knew if in fact there was no tomorrow!

And there you have it folks. A date night with the perfect trifecta of activities! Fun food out on the town, cuddles back at home, and a thoughtful love note to one another to finish the night off! We hope that you enjoy this repetitive night of fun as much has we do!  

Groundhog Day Date Night    The Dating Divas - 55Groundhog Day Date Night    The Dating Divas - 30Groundhog Day Date Night    The Dating Divas - 99Groundhog Day Date Night    The Dating Divas - 47Groundhog Day Date Night    The Dating Divas - 11Groundhog Day Date Night    The Dating Divas - 94Groundhog Day Date Night    The Dating Divas - 74Groundhog Day Date Night    The Dating Divas - 9Groundhog Day Date Night    The Dating Divas - 70Groundhog Day Date Night    The Dating Divas - 95