I just have to say how excited I am to GUEST BLOG on one of my favorite sites! My name is Amanda (@akaAmandaK) and I LOVE all things related to building healthy relationships – especially if it involves that hunky husband o’ mine! I have a Master’s degree in Marriage & Family Therapy and have a passion for cultivating my own marriage and supporting others in their relational journeys… needless to say, I’m a big fan of the Dating Divas! You’ll be seeing a little more of me, as they have invited me to blog for them monthly for 2013!!  I can’t wait! As March approaches, we all think about the Ides of March and March Madness. But what about the lesser known, yet super-promising, “Make Up Your Own Holiday Day?!”  That’s right, March 26th has been deemed the day full of unrestricted possibilities, a celebration of whatsoever your (and your lover’s) hearts’ desire! The amazing (and, let’s be honest, the DAUNTING) thing about this holiday is that, literally, ANYTHING is possible! Been wanting to try a new recipe for your man? The day is hereby declared “Try a New Recipe Day!” Have you been reminiscing about the moves you used to have on the dance floor? I believe that calls for a “Dancing Queen and Her King Day!” What if you have been putting off cleaning out your garage? Then make it “Clean Out Your Garage Day” and add some fun to the tedium! Or for something a little more blush-worthy, what about “Let’s Trade Fantasies Day” or “Spend the Day in Bed Day”… I mean, seriously, nothing is off-limits!!! Now, you may already have your own ideas about what a blank-slate-holiday would look like in your household. If so, by all means, have at it! But if not, here are some suggestions for getting those creative juices flowing (you may find the brainstorming as entertaining as the actual holiday!):

  1. Write It Down: Sit down with your spouse and make a list of activities/experiences you enjoy or think you might enjoy if you had unlimited resources! {Start off with your OWN papers…} Be realistic. Don’t be realistic. Be serious. Be silly. Don’t overthink it – just write anything and everything that comes to your mind! Set a timer for 5 minutes (or 2 hours – whatever you want, it’s YOUR holiday!). Aaaaaaaannnd, GO!

  2. Switch and Pick: Switch lists with your man and pick out your favorite concept he wrote down, then circle it with a big colorful marker. Can you even contain your excitement?! You now hold in your hands 50% of the first ever “___________________ Holiday”!

  3. Show Your Cards: Now it’s time to divulge what each of you chose as your partner’s portion of this date! (I suggest adding a ceremonial twirl or drum roll here!) Count to three, then reveal!

  4. And the Two Shall Become One: Here’s your crazy fun challenge (the challenge of all of marriage, really): make both – probably completely unrelated – concepts into one fabulous experience, a date night for the books! Gather up all the supplies needed to make this spectacular holiday happen!  

This may be a celebration just zany enough to earn its spot as an annual event! And so, without further adieu, Happy Holidays!!! *Bonus: This also makes for a hilarious and memorable group or family date, so feel free to mix it up! If you love celebrating holidays, then you have to check out National Chocolate Milkshake Day and National S’more Day!

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