January is a month of celebrations! We’ve already had People’s Choice Awards, Critics’ Choice Awards, the Golden Globes just yesterday, and still the SAG Awards at the end of the month… Um, wow, that’s a-whole-lotta-freakin’ awards! It totally got me thinkin’ about what I would do if we had a “Kiirsten’s Choice Awards.” I can just see it now… my favorite choice dinner, my favorite people invited to attend, my favorite person to win, “The Best Husband Award”…   Hmmm, why not?

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. To learn more about ’em, click here. Sometimes creating a date night can be intimidating… it doesn’t have to be. As a busy wife and mom, going ALL OUT for date night sometimes just isn’t in the cards – am I right or am I RIGHT!? My husband is very casual, and he’d prefer most of our dates to be just that especially with working two jobs right now.  Hence, this evening was so unbelievably simple and fun! I am proudest of myself when I use what I’ve got around the house to create the fun, and with some easy downloads you’re about to get, even the busiest of us moms has NO EXCUSE not to throw a little fun like this! Besides, this date is a pat on the back for yourself and all your efforts as an awesome wife – you get to cater to none other than YOU with YOUR FAVORITE EVERYTHING! Materials Needed:

Admission Ticket (download below) A delicious homemade dinner Plastic Red Table Cloth “Oscar” trophy award Award Certificate from 123Certificates

The morning of your date, leave an admission ticket in a conspicuous place for your guest of honor to stumble upon. Don’cha think it’s soooo intriguing when you find something sweet from your honey unexpectedly? Mamas, totally invite your kids! A date CAN include kids – otherwise we need another part time job to pay for babysitting – and besides, they will  L.O.V.E.  I.T. (singsong voice) and Y.O.U! Ok, Diva! You go ahead, girl and begin your banquet by indulging in YOUR favorite meal.

Oh, cream cheese chicken crescent rolls with spinach poppy seed salad and an artichoke with a side of hollandaise? TO DIE FOR! I mean… ahem, “Whoever came up with this menu ROCKS!”… oh wait… Don’t forget to take your guests’ ticket or designate a little helper for such an important job.

A plain ol’ plastic red tablecloth can transform your flooring into the Red Carpet entrance. {I told ya my hubby prefers casual, LOL}

Now present your Hunk-a-hunk-a-MAN {and maybe your adorable little guests} with the awards of your choice {endless possibilities!} Use things from around your house to add detail like the microphone from a Band Hero game to announce your winners or crowns from Burger King for the kids.

Don’t forget your die hard paparazzi or cute little APPLAUSE generator!

{I found the pack of these Hollywood style cutouts at PartyLand for $2.79 and they had a TON of other Hollywood stuff, but I totally believe that dates shouldn’t require money for random dumb stuff! {Unless you have a money tree in your back yard, in which case, please leave a comment below with your physical address…} No, seriously, so I made some very simple signs for you for free. Print ’em, snip ’em, and you’re set! {Hold up APPLAUSE sign again.} About now is when the kids went to bed, and I got the rest of the evening to cuddle with my award-winning-man to one of MY favorite shows. Ya know how that is when you have something recorded and it just sits on the DVR waiting for you to just have a free evening to watch it together in P.E.A.C.E.? This is that evening of favorites. Or use this opportunity to get your hubby out on the town to one of your favorite places {for us, I’d choose a play at a local theater} you have the excuse of “My Choice Awards” night to do what you’d like! ENJOY! {Oh, and let me know what awards you give your hubby!}

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