Although the internet can be a sleazy, slimy place, there is so much GOOD information out there to help you protect your marriage & family. We know this is a big issue for families today. So we have gathered some amazing tools for overcoming pornography to help you fight this battle! So check out our pron addiction recovery resources and equip yourself with the knowledge of how to stop porn addiction.

This post contains affiliate links. To learn more about ’em, click here. There are lots of mixed messages in our society about pornography. However, we stand by the research (discussed in the articles below) that viewing porn damages marriages, harms children and teens’ sexual development, causes binding addictions and breaks apart homes. Many of our readers write to us with heartbreaking stories seeking advice. They want to know how to stop watching porn, and where they can turn for porn addiction help. So many readers message us about how to repair a marriage torn apart by pornography. With the porn industry growing and easy access to the internet becoming more available, it seems inevitable that porn will creep its way into your family. That’s all pretty grim sounding, but armed with the right tools, you can keep pornography out of your life, your marriage, and your home. The following is a giant list of websites, online communities, support groups, articles, blogs, videos, books. Certainly, the goal is to help you fight the battle against pornography. And this is a war you are going to WIN! We know it! So many of these resources are Christian based, but we feel they can help anyone despite your religious beliefs. We’ve broken things down into 5 sections:

Resources for Pornography Education and Information Resources for Men Overcoming Porn Addiction Porn Addiction Help for Women  Supporting a Spouse in Porn Addiction Recovery Porn Addiction Help for Parents

How do you fight against something you don’t understand? You can’t. So getting educated about the reality and dangers of pornography is the first weapon you have in defending your family. So we gathered some of the best sources to provide you with the knowledge to tackle this head-on. Knowledge is power!! Most Importantly, it’s time to get to work!

Resources for Pornography Addiction Education and Information

Above all, these sites and articles shed light on the harms of pornography. And they help you educate yourself and family, which is so important. So dive in and find out how to stop watching porn, how to stop porn addiction, and most importantly, porn addiction help. Also included are general support groups and recovery programs. So if you are in search of how to break porn addiction, start here.

How Pornography Effects Your Marriage – Great information and research from The Dating Divas (us!). So much info about the effects of pornography on marriage, based on many of our reader questions. Fight the New Drug – Pornography is our society’s new “drug” of choice. This anti-pornography movement discusses the harms of porn on the brain, relationships, and society, along with tools to fight back. End Sexual Exploitation – Discusses pornography addiction as a public health crisis. Cure the Craving – Online recovery resources and information for parents, spouses, and addicts. Pornography 101 – Internet safety information to educate, equip, and empower families. Why Porn Should Never Be Part of Your Marriage – Why pornography harms your marriage and intimate life, rather than enhances it. The Real Cause of Addiction – Helpful article about addiction. Although this applies more specifically to drugs, it can be insightful for pornography as well.

Mending the Armor – A Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints-based recovery program for pornography addiction. Getting Help with Pornography – An article from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Family Services. It includes steps to take to get help for a pornography problem. Integrity Restored: Porn Addiction – Education, training, encouragement can be found here. Also, resources for breaking free and preventing pornography exposure through Christ. Rowboat & Marbles – Essays of hope about recovery from porn and sexual addiction from a recovering addict. Hope and Healing – Support, information, help, and community for those who struggle or loved ones who battle a pornography addiction. Understanding Pornography and Sexual Addition – Free web book for parents and leaders from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Overcoming Pornography – Thoughts on turning to Jesus Christ and finding our how to stop porn addiction through His atonement. He Restoreth My Soul – A Christ-centered book about understanding and breaking the chemical and spiritual chains of pornography addiction Reading List for Overcoming Pornography – A great list of books and articles to tackle sexual addiction. Written from the perspective of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Resources for Men Overcoming Porn Addiction

Certainly, husbands, fathers, and men everywhere are pulled into the temptation of pornography. So many are hooked from their early teenage years. Most importantly, each of these links provides recovery programs, support groups, and information specifically for men struggling to figure out how to break porn addiction.

Fortify Program – Fight the New Drug’s help program. It was designed by professionals including psychologists, neurologists, therapists, and other mental health experts. Men of Moroni – Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints-based classes. Support for husbands and fathers who struggle with pornography. ProvenMen – So here is a Christian men’s support group to overcome sexual addiction & pornography and find encouragement. 3X Church – Christian information for filtering and blocking systems, online support groups and blog posts for men’s recovery help. Elevated Recovery Youtube Channel – Online courses & YouTube channel from a former pornography addict & licensed therapist. For Married Men: Your Porn Habit is an Adultery Habit – A frank and honest article from the Matt Walsh blog. It’s about the relationship between pornography and adultery. Is Porn the Same as Adultery? – This article outlines several ways pornography can cause your partner to feel betrayed. Also, it goes over the emotional effects on men and women in marriages. Dr. Doug Weiss Blog – This blog is full of articles on sexual addiction, including pornography, and steps to move forward to find healing. Pure Eyes: A Man’s Guide to Sexual Integrity – In this book, Christian authors help men cope with sexual temptation. And then they help people to find the freedom to experience forgiveness and renewal.

Pornography Addiction Help for Women 

Certainly, the question of how to break porn addiction isn’t just a problem for men. Many women struggle with pornography addiction, but the stigma that it’s “mainly a men’s issue” makes many women afraid to speak up and seek help. Gals, you are not alone! These stories, articles, recovery and support groups are here for you! So get the help you need and learn how to stop watching porn.

Dirty Girls Ministeries – The mission of this site is to break through the stigma that surrounds female porn & sexual addiction. They are creating safe spaces for women to find help, hope, and healing. Daughter’s of Light –  Courses for women who struggle with sexual misbehavior including pornography, self-harming or other unhealthy behaviors. Covenant Eyes for Women – Resources for women caught in the struggle of pornography including podcasts, articles, webinars, videos and more. Beggar’s Daughter Blog – A former pornography addict shares her story through this blog and motivational public speaking. 10 Truths About Women & Porn Addictions – An article providing education, statistics, and information. Specifically about women’s pornography issues. My Difficult Struggle as a Female Porn Addict – An article from Fight the New Drug by a woman fighting against pornography, which sheds light on women’s struggles. Two Womens’ Stories about Overcoming Pornography – An article sharing two womens’ journeys to find freedom and healing from pornography. Beggar’s Daughter Book – This book shares a former pornography addict’s journey to finding forgiveness and grace.

Supporting a Spouse in Porn Addiction Recovery

Certainly, when you find out your spouse has a pornography problem, it’s heartbreaking, devastating and painful. So many thoughts and emotions run through your mind as you try to figure out how to break their porn addiction. Many steps are required to heal yourself, and then to be strong enough to help your spouse and repair your relationship. These resources include support groups & programs. Also, they include porn addiction recovery programs, articles, tips, and books. So know that you are not alone if you have been hurt by a spouse’s pornography use.

Permanently Overcome a Pornography Addiction – Discover the path to healing with pornography addiction specialist Sam Tielemans. This FREE course will outline the KEY to overcoming pornography addiction. Couples Against Pornography – Couples Against Pornography is a group dedicated to helping all couples understand and deal with pornography in their relationship. Partner Hope – Authentic hope for betrayed partners who find their spouses experiencing sexual addiction. Cure the Craving – Specifically for wives, healing your wounded heart will help you and your partner recover. Find some healing after discovering information about pornography addiction. Blazing Grace for Wives – Healing for wives hurting from their husband’s porn use or adultery. Integrity Restored: Spouses – Resources dedicated to protecting and healing marriages from pornography. Reclaim Sexual Health – It’s very difficult to discover that your spouse is involved with pornography. So if this has happened to you, this site has steps towards your own self-care and healing. New Life Partners – So this is an online, Christian resource and support group for women whose lives have been impacted by loved ones caught in the web of pornography. Overcoming Pornography in Marriage – Dating Divas article addressing an important question. What do you do after you discover there is a pornography problem in your relationship? Finding or Giving Support in Recovery – An article from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints giving support through addiction recovery. Drawing Together While Overcoming Pornography – An article from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It addresses 6 tips to draw closer together in marriage while trying to overcome a pornography struggle. To the Tender Wives – An article touching on the principles of helping heal the broken hearts of wives. Healing Concepts for Women Impacted by Pornography – An article on 3 concepts that can help women heal. Especially when their spouse is struggling with a pornography problem. What Can I Do About Me – Book that shines a light on the darkness of pornography and sexual addiction. The trauma felt by loved ones, and the hope that recovery and peace are possible are covered in this book. Pure Eyes, Clean Heart – Book about a couple’s story as the husband struggled with pornography addiction and how they found recovery through Christ.

Porn Addiction Help for Parents

Unfortunately, we won’t always be there to protect our children, and they WILL encounter pornography at some point or another. So no beating around that bush! These resources offer ways to teach, protect and educate our children and teens. And if you have a child already caught in the trap, there are many resources for supporting them and navigating how to stop porn addiction.

What Should I Do When I See Pornography? – Straightforward and non-threatening video for children that teaches what pornography is and what to do about it. Pornography addiction is such a tricky topic. So use this thoughtful video as a teaching aid. Pure Hope: Quest Parenting Series – An online parenting series about how to talk with your children about sex and an overly sexualized culture. Very insightful. My House: Safer Families – CA Catholic resource for protecting and teaching families, including articles and discussion topics. A lot of good info! Reclaim Sexual Health for Parents – Parenting training on effective ways to help a child caught in the trap of pornography. Also, how to avoid the approaches that can actually deepen the addiction. Integrity Restored – Christian-based tips on protecting youth from the harms of porn and helping those who already struggle. Kiddle Search Engine – A kid-geared search engine that allows children to use the internet without stumbling on inappropriate content. Youtube Kids App – Let your kids enjoy Youtube videos without the fear of finding inappropriate or harmful content. This guide, How to Keep Your Kids Safe on YouTube, is also incredibly helpful! Parental Control Apps for Android – Parental control apps that are specifically for Android users. How to Block Porn on Internet Connected Devices – Eight informative steps to help block internet pornography for your family. Do everything you can! 5 Parental Controls Apps to Help Safeguard Your Kids – Five reviewed and highly rated apps & programs for internet safety on your family devices. Family Protector App – An app and monitoring service that allows parents to set age-appropriate limits, stop in-app purchases and monitor online usage easily. So helpful! Cure the Craving – A free e-book that outlines a plan to help a struggling son or daughter move away from pornography with coping tools. Helping your Teen Escape the Trap – A Christian article about the dangers and reality of pornography and how parents can help. Helping Your Child Avoid the Pornography Trap – An article suggesting personal convictions to teach your children to help them protect themselves from pornography. Creating A Safe Place to Talk About Dangerous Topics – An article with ideas on how to have an on-going conversation with kids about pornography and sex. And how to create a safe place for questions. Teenagers and Pornography: Treating the Silent Epidemic – An article sharing information about the effects of pornography specifically on teenagers, and treatment tips from a counseling standpoint. How Can I Teach My Kids About Pornography? – Five family lesson topics for instructing your children in Family Home Evening. Be proactive! Healthy Views On Sex – An Article about how to make sex a special, sacred topic for your family. So important! Teaching Kids About Sex – A Dating Divas article helping you have the tools to talk to your kids about intimacy, helping prevent curiosity and giving them a safe place to come when they need help. Good Pictures, Bad Pictures – A comfortable, read-aloud storybook about a mom and dad who teach their child what pornography is, why it’s dangerous, and how to reject it. 30 Days of Sex Talks – This book makes it easy to engage your child in conversations about relationships, affection, anatomy, boundaries, predators, online dangers and many other vital topics, specifically for ages 3-7. Start young! 30 Days of Sex Talks – This book makes it simple for you to discuss love, sex, changing bodies, as well as address dangerous messages from the media and various online sources, specifically for ages 8-11. Very insightful! 30 Days of Sex Talks – This book discusses topics like creating healthy relationships, consent, social media, pornography exposure and emotional intimacy, specifically for ages 12 and up. So helpful! How to Talk to Your Kids About Pornography – A book that helps you prepare to have worthwhile, relevant discussions that help protect and prepare your kids.

Pornography Addiction Help

So there they are, your battle weapons! We hope you feel more educated. So you can feel empowered and hopeful about tackling the tough topic of pornography. Also, we hope you have found tools to help you or loved ones on how to stop watching porn. Most importantly, we want to get you on a steady road to happiness and freedom. Certainly, pornography isn’t a  comfortable topic, and it isn’t fun to think about, but it’s one of those things we need to tackle head-on. While gathering resources and writing this post, I was a little disturbed and alarmed at the prevalence of pornography in our society and how harmful it can be. It’s hard to swallow. Luckily, whatever your family’s situation, there is hope for you and your loved ones! Our children and marriages need to be fortified. And anyone struggling with porn addiction recovery needs to understand that they can break free! So let’s get to work strengthening our families and marriages. We can do this!

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