According to experts, mindfulness training provides women, especially those who want to avoid pills, with a good option for treating moderate to severe hot flashes that disrupt their quality of life. The eight-week trial included a group of 110 women, mostly white, with at least five bothersome hot flashes a day. Results indicated that mindfulness training (including meditation and stretching exercises) not only enhanced sleep quality but also helped ease stress and anxiety in women during menopause. Dr. Ellen Freeman, a menopause expert at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, stated, “There’s a broad range of attitudes about hot flashes and how they should be treated. There are certainly many, many women who don’t want to take hormones … and don’t want to take other drugs either. According to her, mindfulness on the other hand, “may be something that they find very acceptable.” The findings of the study are published in the journal Menopause. More: Reuters Health The MedGuru 03/18/11